The Mount Owen Moa Claw
Almost 3 decades ago, archeologists in a cave in Mount Owen, Newzealand came across a scary and an unexpected thing. The archeologists came stumbled across a mummified remain of an Upland Moa claw. The most shocking thing is that the Moas now have been extinct for centuries.
The Venetian Vampire
If vampires ever existed, they were surely not like anything shown in Twilight.
This is what one can deduce from the artifact that was unearthed in Venice. You might have seen in the movies that the best way to kill a vampire is to stab it in the heart, but why take such a risk? Just stuff a brick in its face and it won’t be able to suck your blood. At least that is what seems like the people in Venice did.
The Screaming Mummies
A mummy was found by Gaston Masparo in 1886, which had its mouth open and it seemed like it was screaming at the time it was buried. This mummy wasn’t covered in linen-like the rest of the mummies rather it was covered in sheepskin. The mummy is likely to be of Prince Pentewere who killed his father, and he received this treatment for the same.
The Grauballe Man
Found on April 26, 1952, this mummified body was found submerged in bogs. The researchers think that this person was killed as a ritualistic human sacrifice. But there is no such evidence to support their theory. Many other archeologists believe that this man was murdered and not sacrificed. But there is no evidence to prove that either.
The Tomb Of Sunken Skulls
During the excavation in a prehistoric dry lake bed in Motala, Sweden archeologists stumbled across a number of skulls that are supposed to be at least 8000 years old. Inserted in some of the skulls were a wooden staff and the others showed that they had also been treated the same way.
Headless Vikings Of Dorset
In 2009 in Dorset, England archeologists discovered a total of 51 skulls and 54 skeletons. These skeletons were touted to be of the Scavandain Viking Warriors. These skeletons made people find out how and why were these people were made to perish in such a barbaric manner. No one is still sure what happened to those people, but research shows that the beheadings are very clean and are supposed to be done from the front rather than back.