Never Open This One
So far, you must have been aware of just one use of those full-size suitcases. But a couple put their grandma’s old suitcase to some multitasking and seemed to work fine for them.
Guests From The Sky

A man used a plastic bottle and two spoons to feed his little flying friends. Ever since he hanged this model outside in his lawn, he wakes up by the chirping sounds not the mobile alarm.
Caterpillar Sandwich
Kids teach their parents so many lessons while growing up. Being creative is one of them. Her kids were being choosy about what to eat and then she started to present food in a fun way. Although we aren’t sure if it worked for her it’s one healthy caterpillar we would never say no to
Mumma, Why Can’t I Fly?
The school arranged a fun hair day for her daughter’s class. Hence, this is what the little girl’s mom thought of. We just hope no one put pins through her crazy hairstyle.
You Do The Math!
When geometry started to challenge kids, a teacher painted the angles on the floor. No matter how easy teachers try to make it for their students to learn the basics of maths. It’s just not some people’s cup of tea. Did you know that fear of numbers, calculations is known as Arithmophobia?
Suitcase Shelf
Old suitcases are of no use these days. Aren’t they too vintage to be thrown away? A lady felt exactly the same and while renovating her bathroom she used an old suitcase at the right place.