The Garden Art
Most of the gardens look the same. Is there any way to make them unique and keep them green at the same time. When architect Yong Ju Lee was asked about public places being beautiful and functional at the same time, he worked this out. It’s known as “the root bench” and its located in Seoul, South Korea. The tendrils are spread in such a way that they form benches, tables, and tracks to walk on.
Lego It Is
Done properly, most of the jobs can bring happiness to others. The Lego Group did their part of the job by keeping their people happy. Either they’ll transform you into some popular character or for the least their handbags will transform your hand to a cartoon one. So, next time when you are looking for your favorite character’s you know where you should head to.
Don’t Text And Drive!
Well, every day thousands of social workers all around the world try to raise awareness about something or the other they find to be wrong. On the roads we see them standing with posters, but do we pay attention to all of them at all? No, not unless there’s something extremely captivating. A man succeeded in raising a major concern as he chose the best way to grab people’s attention. Rudolf Kohn is a Miamian artist who transformed a crumpled car into a funny emoji. He named it “The Last Emoji” for a reason we need not explain.
Daylight Can Be Citylights Too!
Well, even if you are like us and think that you need to buy an apartment in a big city to get a beautiful view. There’s this person who doesn’t agree with us. Whatever the person had, he/she made the best out of it. And the Manhattan skyline look is just so incredible and worth all the efforts that were put into making it, right?
Your Poop Time

Japan’s technology is undoubtedly one of the best on this planet. But Japan’s loo innovation is way too luxurious than any other countries. Having a built-in bidet ain’t the perfect level of comfort. For perfection, they have a model that plays a sound to save you from listening to any unpleasant noise that will disturb your poop time. After all, its a kind of me time, correct?
3D Printer For Broken Arms

That itching becomes a bigger issue than the broken bone itself. And those who ever had fractured bone will totally understand what we are talking about. Remember when you weren’t able to concentrate anywhere? Well, someone came up with this idea of using 3D printed models instead of the old plasters.
We’ve told you the best part yet. These 3D printed models will not come in the way of taking a bath!