Drunkard Players

“When drunk, everyone can be a gamer.” And this Manchester bar completely relates to what we just mentioned. They installed a separate TV on each table with a Nintendo 64 attached to it. It looks like the best place to visit when you want to drink and not indulge in any small talks.
Rubik’s Cube For The Blind
A Reddit user shared his idea of how a Rubik’s Cubes can be used by the blind people as well. With different colors, there are specific textures on each piece which makes it easy to recognize just by touch. You can find one of these in the LEGO store for a puzzle fan of yours.
Crocs Got It Right
When out for a beach party, forgetting a bottle opener can ruin the fun. But these Crocs slippers got you covered. The designers have installed an opener in the soles of the slippers. Only if James Bond preferred slippers over formal shoes, beer over dry Vodka martini and beach parties over lavishing parties, we would have been introduced with these before!
Doing It Right Way?
Compiling practical elements in such an interesting way is what quality means. An aquarium staff kept their idea in front of the owner and it was immediately approved. As expected the visitors found it amusing and can’t help but ask questions.
3D Flooring
Mind changing the regular kitchen tiles with these optical illusion tiles? Obviously, when you’ll walk in the kitchen with your sleepy eyes, these tiles can prove to be an instant way of waking up. Better than that strong cup of morning coffee!
Coolest Slide Ever!
Remember when during summer, the fear of sliding over a hot slide used to take over the temptations? We all have faced that dilemma but there are some good people who are protecting childhood. In this playground, water is pumped under the slides all day long to keep them cool no matter how harshly the sun acts.