Waters Start Decreasing
The city of Villa Epecuen was under water for more than 2 decades, and it was in 2009 when the water levels in the region first started to decrease. This image was released at the same time period i.e. 2009 that shows how devastating things were. It was in 1993 when the gradually growing flood completely took over the city covering it in water that stood 10 meters above the ground. It was too much for the city and its poor management to withstand or even make a comeback for that matter. If this image is too much for you to handle. What’s up next will blow your mind.
The flood wreaked havoc on the city and there’s no denying that the city was in ruins. The tourists no more visit this place as there’s nothing left worth visiting. The only people to step foot into this town are those looking to recycle or retrieve lost items. There’s not a single family that thought of restarting their lives in the city and how would they as the city looks nothing short of a scrapyard and with no aid from the government their best option was to move on.
Permanent Resident
Judging by the pictures, the city looks like a gruesome crime scene or a city invaded by zombies or the aftermath of a war zone. But as we know, it is what nature does when it gets angry. By the looks of it, can you even imagine living here? We might not be able to spend a day here but to your surprise, there’s a man who actually lives here. Yes, without a family or even a dog to accompany him and it has been a long time since he has been living here.
Norma Berg
Norma Berg is an old man and he is the only resident of Villa Epecuen. He’s 81 years of age and you can see in the picture that he has built himself a kitchen and it is obvious that he spends his time alone. While living alone in a city that’s abandoned would definitely strike as odd to anyone normal but the old man is loving his time here, well he said so. You can read what he’s got to say about it.
Lone Resident
“I am OK here. I am just alone. I read the newspaper. And I always think of the town’s golden days”, Norma Borg said. By the looks of it, he had a lot of memories associated with the place as he had spent a lot of his time in Villa Epecuen during his youth and he wanted to re-live his past even if it means spending his life alone on a Ghost town. As strange it is, it also shows his love and determination for this place. But even the brave old man sometimes bumps into things that sends a chill down his spine.
End Of The World
Just think how strange it must get at times for Norma Berg as he is the only person living in the abandoned city of Villa Epecuen. Although it’s the choice he has made and he’s got to live with it but we must admit that he has quite a brave heart for an 81-year-old. The flowers you see resting over the skeleton were presented by Norma Berg when he accidentally bumped into this skeleton. The skeleton apparently floated out from the graveyard due to the flood and ended up here between the ruins.