Friends and Family
As soon as Anne informed the police about her missing car, she called up her close friends and family too. She has a friendly nature and has been cordial to all her relatives and friends who are always there at the hour of need and came to comfort her as soon as they heard the news of the theft.
Although Anne had been living alone since the past many years, she always had someone or the other visiting her. She knew everyone around her house and that comforted her because she did not have to think about locking up stuff or the enforced security of the house if she was not to be around someday.
Car Found
After a few hours, the local authorities had called back Anne to inform her that her car has been found. She was relieved but also perplexed as to who could’ve taken away the car only to be found back. The police officials told her that the car had been towed away from a distance..and that was mysterious.
Strange Instance
Anne was puzzled when the police told her that her car had been found in Vancouver. The distance between both the places is more than 300 miles and Anne could only wonder why would someone travel so much in a stolen car only to leave it to be towed away later.
Got Lucky
It hardly happens that we get anything back after it’s lost or stolen. And to find an expensive thing like a car after it has been stolen is pure luck. Anne had been fortunate enough that her car had been towed away and the police had been successful in finding it within hours of it being stolen.
A Joyride
Since the car had been found in Vancouver all the way from Portland, the police officials and Anne had guessed that it must have been stolen by a group of anti-socials who must have taken her car for a joyride and left it somewhere midway that got the car towed away.