Life Goes On
Days had passed since the event of stealing had occurred in Anne’s life. She was living her routine life now, not thinking of what had happened. It never crossed her mind that anything of the sort could happen again at a place where she had always felt safe and content. Would the first time not be the last time for Anne?
Another Unfortunate Day
But things were not working in favor of Anne. She had to face more of worried days in her later years of life, which she had never thought of. And clearly, she was not prepared for it at all. The misfortune was to happen again, and she would have to face the consequences all over again.
Happened Again
Another morning came by and Anne was in for another difficult situation. Her car was missing again, and she knew the same people might have taken it. She was hesitant about calling the police as well for the second time because that would question her own security enabling abilities. But she knew she would have to inform anyway.
Already Known
The thieves already knew where they would find a car if they wanted to steal it ever again, with the exact location of where it would be parked too. That is why they must have decided to take Anne’s car for another joyride because it was an easy catch for them.
Too Much Information
Maybe the thieves had not just the information of the whereabouts of the car but a lot more than that. They knew for sure that Anne was not the kind of person to put her things under high security so that made things easier for the thieves.
Easily Taken
Since Anne’s car was a 90s model, it had no hardcore security to protect it from being stolen. The older the model, the easier it is to steal. Anne said, “It is Hondas and Subarus, mid-90s. They’re just easy to steal. It’s happening in all neighborhoods, good and bad.”