The surprise came in when the thieves turned out to have read the letter that Anne had kept. “I left a snarky note in the glovebox of my Honda the last time it was stolen. Just recovered the car from the most recent theft. They read my letter and I think it worked; they ditched it in front of a house this time (YAY),” the woman wrote.
Took To Humor
Anne did not want to take any stress for the car. She was done worrying about the same reason two times, so after that, she took to humor instead. She decided on not living in fear or anxiety of when it might happen again, instead decided to let it all go and take everything lightly.
Not thinking about what would happen in the future, Anne lead a carefree life and did not let anything alter her spirits or bring her down. She did not bother about the car being stolen and took it lightly and humorously instead.
Though the thieves had been bothering Anne again and again by taking away her car more than once, they were at least cordial enough to have followed the instructions that she had requested for in her letter. It would hardly be expected of any thief to do such a thing, but it turned out to be a pretty unusual case for Anne.
Crime Against Elderly
The crime rate has been on an increase since the last few years, and especially for the senior citizens of every city. The criminals think that it would be easy to deceive the elderly and they could have an easy way out. This needs to be taken care of and more security should be alerted.
Jolly Spirits
Anne had always lived a life of contentment and nothing disturbed her in the matter. When she realized that she was letting the stealing of car and the thieves take over her, she took the path of sarcasm and humor and that really seems to be commendable for a person her age.