The Hobbit
The literary fiction “The Hobbit” which got published also revolved around the ring having certain magical powers in it. In the book, the army of dwarfs and the hobbit acquire a ring suddenly and the ring had the power to make the person invisible. During the journey, they land up in many problems in between their quest to acquire the treasure from the dragon but at last, are able to reach their goal.
Massive Popularity
After the massive hit of the fantasy work The Hobbit, the professor wrote a trilogy which was the sequel to “The Hobbit” in the year 1954 which was set in the Third Age of Middle Earth and named it “The Lord Of The Rings” in which the hobbit passes the ring that he had previously acquired to Frodo Baggins who was at that time 33 and it dawns on him that ring had the power to destroy the whole world and hence tries to destroy it and while doing so they encounter numerous problems in the journey. Would they be able to surpass the hurdles?
There were speculations that the fantasy novels were inspired by the discovery of the ring and the curse table or Defixio because of the similar events that took place. Still, there were certain people who denied it and thought the comparison between the two was insignificant just because the story was written in the year the ring was found. So did the plots coincidently resemble or were the speculations true?
Just as Silvianus had lost his ring while he was taking bath at Lydney, Gollum the character in “the hobbit” loses his ring under the Misty Mountains.Silvianus, later comes to know about the thief’s name as in the book Gollum comes to know about Bilbo Baggins who had stolen his ring.Silvianus then curses the thief by saying his name out loud though the effect of the curse was still not known similarily when Gollum came to know about the theft he too cried in wrath: ‘Thief, thief, thief! Baggins! We hates it, we hates it, we hates it forever!’Hence the similarity drawn was undeniable.
Finally On Display
After a lot of speculations and contradiction, the popular ring was put on a display in 2013 from the Vyne’s library to the permanent display at the manor. Along with the ring, there was the curse table as well as the first edition of the copy of The Hobbit due to the massive fanbase of the books as well as the films.
The “Third Age Of Middle Earth” ground
The staunch followers of the film as well as the book, were not able to contain their happiness when they found out about the ground of the Vyne which contained the Middle-earth adventure playground approved by Tolkien society. And the ring that had been always kept in the four walls of a library was now in open to all the lovers and admirers of the book and the film.