Someone Else

Max told in an interview, “When I was announced, I was in complete and utter shock, Of course, I was honored and everything.” But still, somewhere he felt that he wasn’t the one who completely deserve this honor. He immediately takes off the crown and reaches out to his friend Norwood.
All For You
K.L was completely shocked when Max went on one knee and handed over the homecoming king crown to him with all due respect. To Norwood, being the manager of a team and even to be announced as one of the nominees of homecoming king was a big deal. And this gesture of Max blew him away.
He Deserved It
Akin knew that Norwood wanted this crown more than anything. And in eyes of Akin, K.L. was the one who truly deserved this as he had worked selflessly for the honor of the football team and the high school. And the entire crowd started shouting “Norwood, Norwood”.
Kindest Gesture
The gesture with which Akin handed over his crown to his dearest friend caught all eyes. The school’s photographer and social media handlers covered it all. K.L recalls that “Akin came and hugged me tightly. He even said I Love You, before handing me the crown”.
A Particular Detail
Just when everyone was chanting Norwood’s name, none really knew the story behind this man. Everyone thought that it was Akin’s gesture and big heart that he did so. But soon only everyone realized why Max felt that K.L deserved it more. Norwood was battling cerebral palsy.
Battling In Life
Since childhood K.L had been battling with life. He was born as a premature baby, three months prior to his actual anticipated birthdate. He was diagnosed with feet-first birth which eventually leads to a bleeding brain. He had to be immediately operated. Needless to say, he was struggling with life.