What Happened To Adam?
And after asking him about his life, Alexander was able to get how Adam ended up being homeless. He was actually a very decent man who just happened to bum into some really bad luck. Adam was without family in this area and was unable to find any work because no one wanted to take in the help of a homeless person. This was truly heartbreaking.
Receiving The Gift
So after hearing Adam’s reason for being without a home, Alexander was touched. He did not wait anymore and immediately handed him the money. Adam could not believe this and was in complete shock. He did not ever expect a man like Alexander to be so kind to him. After all, we can all agree that for a homeless person, $1,700 is indeed big money.
Go Fund Me
And after Alexander was told by Adam that he did not have any money or family in the city, he knew there must have been something he could do. He needed to make sure Adam somehow got a plane ticket to get back to his home. So, he decided to set up a Go Fund Me page for his homeless friend. Luckily, the story touched many and pretty soon, they hit their goals.
The Life-Altering Picture
And so there is no argument about the fact that Alexander did the right thing. He should have shared the profits he received for the Bambi picture and he did no with Adam. This was a noble thing to do for a man whose business depends on such profits. It would have been easy to keep all the money but Alexander was sure Adam needed it more.
Helping Others In Need
We all know that in this world, it is every man for himself. We all work towards our own goals and aims. We are all trying to make a living to survive this harsh world. There are only a few people who go out of their way to help out homeless folks. We are so consumed by our own wants and needs, we forget that some people have it worse. This story proves that Alexander is indeed a good man.