
The Innocence Project has pointed out a bunch of methods by which this flawed system can be improved. For example, appointing only those administrators who have no previous knowledge of the case and ensuring that the suspect does not stand out from other members in the lineup. Plus, the witnesses should clarify how certain they are that they have identified the right man.
Adopted By 24 States

Currently, these amendments are only implemented in 24 states. This leaves out states like Kansas and Missouri who rely massively on eyewitness testimony even today. As a result, even though there was no solid evidence linking Jones to the crime, he was sentenced to prison.
Flawed System

The chance that Jones got, of getting out of jail and proving his innocence may not be available to everyone. There are still hundreds of prisoners who are suffering behind bars because of a crime they did not commit. And it is admirable that young law students like the ones at The Innocence Project have taken a step to change the flawed justice system.