Bringing Storie Home
So even though Mariesa immediately had a connection with the pregnant pitbull, if they took home Storie and her puppies, this would mean that the couple would take care of a whopping 17 dogs! But Mariesa had already made her choice. It was not right for her to leave Storie here at the shelter anymore. She had to help the poor dog. Just then, Chris came up with a brilliant idea.
Another Issue
And so, what Chris suggested was that the two of them should foster Storie and that the shelter should help look for a forever home for her and her puppies. This seemed like a good plan and so they followed through with this. However, there was still a major issue here. Since Storie’s due date had crossed, when would she be giving birth? Was the dog going to be okay?
Doing Some Research
The couple could not comprehend the reason behind this dog refusing to go into labor. What was taking so much time? Their previous dogs never had this kind of a problem which made it even more confusing. They could not help but wonder what would happen if things went wrong. There were no answers on the internet for clues too. Whatever they found made them sick.
A Smart Dog
We often underestimate how smart dogs are. As they did some research regarding Storie, the couple found an article that made some sense. The article had revealed that some dogs go through so much stress and trauma in a shelter that takes a toll on them, especially when they are pregnant. They did now know how things would unfold so they remained scared and nervous.
An Urgent Need
When they did some more digging, they realized that this situation could get even more complicated than it already was. If she did not go into labor soon, the puppies might die. And something else made Mariesa shriek. Dogs often hold birthing their pups if they are not certain that their surrounding is safe. This can be lethal for both mother and puppies. They needed a vet and soon…
Going To The Vet
The vet then made use of ultrasound. What was discovered was something the vet could not believe as she studied the shapes that were formed on the screen. She had initially thought a mistake had been made. There was a faint white outline on the screen. She then gave news to Mariesa and Chris that made their hearts sink. Was something wrong with Storie?