Counting The Shapes
The vet checked the ultrasound in detail and then told the couple a surprising news. There were not six puppies in Storie’s belly like they had initially thought. The vet then counted the shapes on the screen… and stopped. Mariesa looked at the doctor in disbelief. Storie did not have 6 puppies in her belly. So how many were there then?
Not Six, But Twelve
The vet was in shock to see what was there on the screen. The concerned look soon turned into a wide smile as the vet looked at Chris and Mariesa. The news was something that made the couple jump for joy. “There aren’t six puppies, but twelve!” Chris and Mariesa were stunned and exchanged a look of shock. But the biggest question was whether Storie was fine or not…
Going Home
The vet was also perplexed by this whole situation. The puppies seemed to be doing well. But they should have already been born by now. So the vet told the couple to take their dog home and if within 48 hours, the dog does not give birth, they should quickly bring Storie again to get another examination. But Storie had a plan of her own that no one knew…
Urgent Danger
Even though they were sent home, Chris and Mariesa did not feel better. Storie was in deep threat if she did not give birth within 48 hours of being sent home. The dog would be in extreme danger if the puppies did not come out soon. Mariesa was terribly concerned for Storie, but what could have she done? But soon, at home, an idea came to her…
To Be Home
Because they saw on the internet that stress and trauma delays birth for dogs, the couple thought it would be a good idea to make a comfortable space for Storie. To give a feeling of protection and comfort, they arranged a few pillows and cushions for the dog. They were hoping their efforts would facilitate the birth of Storie’s puppies. And when they went off to bed, the miracle took place.
Welcoming The Puppies
Mariesa and Chris had gone to bed after making the space as comfortable as they can for Storie . Then during the night, the miracle happened. When they got up in the morning, Storie was nursing all twelve of her puppies who all appeared active and healthy. They were glad to see that their dog had finally felt safe to give birth. They also discovered why Storie waited this long…