Mutual Love
No doubt, Darius too had grown fond of the fawn and was not unaware of the fact that she loved him too. “She’s already used to me, and she follows me…but nobody can replace her real mom.” It was a difficult decision to make for Darius, as the fawn had become an integral part of his family and now was the time to bid goodbye to her!
The Plan
He had planned everything.”There could be some mother looking for deer, and I will try to give the little fawn I have to her to adopt” Darius says in the video. But nothing went as planned. In fact, something really unexpected took place.
Bidding Goodbye!
Darius finally set the fawn free not knowing that his action was going to trigger an amazing chain of events. Finally came the moment when Darius kissed his goodbye to the fawn. He left her in his backyard and headed back to his home. The moment he reached home he saw something really amazing.
Not Going Back
Just when he was about to enter the home he sensed a figure standing behind him. He looked back only to see the fawn. The baby deer did not want to leave him and that is why she was following him back to his home.
Following Back
Next day again Darius took her to the backyard and left her there hoping that this time fawn would not follow him. Yet again she followed her all way back to his house. This continued to happen for many days until one evening!
Looked Alike
It was difficult for Darius to find out fawn’s real family as every deer looked the same to him. Darius explains “The deer are looking like, ‘What the heck is going on.” However, he continued leaving the baby doe with a herd of deer he came across hoping that they would be her family. But the fawn, as usual, would come back to him.