Leaving Everything Behind
After many days of refusing to leave Darius, the deer finally left her savior. It happened when she saw her mother strolling in the same backyard. This time she ran fast towards her mother. It was amazing how this baby buck despite her mother’s cold behavior still yearned for her company. After the reunion, the trio went back to the park. Once again Darius felt a pang of pain but was also happy that the baby doe had finally gone where she should have. Unfortunately, Darius did not have his camera with him to capture the moment.
Back To The Wild
Darius explained, “Since day one I was hoping to release baby deer back to the wild.” He saw all of them heading back to their place and was extremely happy and content about the step he took for the baby deer Along with that he also hoped that the baby deer would not come back to him like the earlier times.
Love Connection!
Darius expressed his concern by saying “I really hoped that she did not get attached to me too much, because that would make [it] very hard for her to survive in the wild. She would become [an] easy target for hunters and predators.”
No Name
You may have noticed that we have not called the baby deer by any name, it is because Darius did not name her and here is the reason why. He did not christen the baby doe because according to him it could have invited many dangers in her future life.
Major Missing!
Needless to say that ever since fawn left his home, Darius and all the pets missed her. Darius loved her a lot and hoped to see her again. But the question is did he ever get the chance to meet the fawn again?
Meeting Again
Yes, he did! He explained, “[I’ve] seen [the family] many times after release, also seen them recently in the fall the mother deer usually does not go too far from the place where she feels safe, so she stays around the area.”