Hidden Fortune?
When the caller introduced himself as the private investigator, the only person she could imagine was her mother. She thought that her mother had hired them to help locate the fortune that she still believed Gayle’s father was hiding from the family. So, Gayle chose not to speak but listen to what information the investigator was about to reveal.
Is Everyone Connected?
Gayle was taken aback when she got to know that the investigator was not hired by her mother. Instead of providing some information, he was continuously asking some personal questions to her which made her feel a bit uncomfortable. She could connect the talks to the texts she received on facebook. Befuddled, she hung up the call.
Back In 1985
Gayle, in 1985 was a girl of seventeen when she took her first independent decision. Though society considered girls of her age “immature”, as mentioned, she was rebellious and placed her self-worth before everything. The investigator took her back in time when she experienced her first sexual intercourse with all her consent.
Gayle clearly remembers that she had safe intercourse which did not result in any sort of unwanted pregnancy. She never regretted whatever happened in the past as it was her decision and nobody was to be blamed for that. She even shared this truth with her husband and he was all cool with it. She believed in having a transparent relationship so she hid nothing from her husband.
As she was clear about her past, she called up the investigator again. Gayle told the detective that he must be mistaken and he must be looking for another Gayle Brandeis. She assured the investigator that she was not the one whom he was looking for. The investigator thanked her for her time and hung up.
The Matter
Gayle was wondering what could the matter be. The investigator came straight to the point and exclaimed, “Your son is looking for you…The son you gave away in 1985.” Initially, she was surprised to hear that. She calmed herself down and recalled her old days. After being very sure on her part, she then called the investigator and told him that he was hugely mistaken.