Talking Privately

The lady stood up and asked if she could speak with her privately. Gemma was so certain she wanted to see the manager and have her fired. Nevertheless, she led the lady to a nearby empty table. Once they were seated, she asked Gemma about the noises. Gemma was astonished by her question.
Offering Help

Gemma looked at her with a blank face. The lady reached into her purse and pulled out a business card. She passed it to Gemma with a warm smile. Gemma examined the details on the card. It was the details of an ENT specialist. “Just give this a try,” the lady said. Gemma wanted to tell her that she has been down this road already. But for some reason, she didn’t.

That night, Gemma tossed and turned in her bed for hours. She hadn’t thought about seeing another specialist in years. She didn’t think she is going to see him after all. What is the point? They either call her crazy or they prescribe her drugs that only make her sleepy. But a part of her kept wondering if she should go?

There is no doubt that she is beyond exhausted at this point in her life. Being constantly afraid of sounds and not being able to play with her kid. She didn’t even have the luxury of finding peace at night when the rest of the world was asleep. It is true, she does not know what silence is. Gemma decided to visit the specialist once, if not for her, for her kid. She had to try one last time.

Gemma was seated in the waiting room. She didn’t come with any expectations. But she was nervous despite it all. She knew the outcome yet she had to hear it again. The waiting room was almost empty now, which meant it was her turn. As she predicted, her name was called next. She gathered her stuff, took a deep breath and walked inside the doctor’s chamber.
Meeting The Specialist

Gemma tried to explain her “situation” to the specialist. She was afraid of what he was going to say but to her surprise, he seemed to follow her trail of thoughts. For the first time in forever, Gemma felt like she was not made fun of. She felt heard and understood. She kept telling the doctor, about how this was all she has ever known.