A Normal Life

Months later, when Gemma had fully recovered from both the surgeries, she was blessed to live a normal life. There were no more sounds inside her head, she heard what was said, nothing more and nothing less. She could now play with her son without facing any more “episodes”. Life was good.
Same Fate

Some of the people who are suffering from the same condition as Gemma, do not have the same fate as she did. They never find silence or happiness. And if months of therapy in a psych ward didn’t make them crazy, hearing those sounds constantly without any explanation would surely do it on its own.
Raising Awareness

Most people are not aware that a cure for this condition exists. In fact, some of them are not even aware that this is a medical condition and can be treated with surgery. They live in the delusion that it is not real. Hence, instead of seeking help, they ignore it or just learn to live with it despite the difficulties, just like Gemma did for 32 years.
Ask For Help

People like Gemma set an example of what you can achieve when you don’t give up. Surrounding yourself with the right kind of people will help keep your spirits high. It is always encouraged to ask for help. When you can’t figure out what is wrong, seek answers and let others help you. Do not suffer alone.